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Satyajit Ray's Pather Panchali Original Screenplay, Story-Boards Missing

The authorities of the prestigious Paris based institute Cinematheque Francaise have been spending sleepless nights for sometime now. The reason is that the original screenplay and story-boards of (late) Satyajit Ray's iconic debut film Pather Panchali has been missing from there.

The institute holds one of the world's largest archives of films and movie-related objects.

The news came to light when a German filmmaker had contacted the society in October, giving them the reference of Ray's late biographer Marie Seton as she was making a documentary on Ray and wanted the original script of Pather Panchali for reference. The Society, in turn guided her to contact Cinematheque Francaise, as Ray had donated most of the original documents of the film in the early '60s to for safe keeping.

This is when the German director replied back to the Society about the missing documents of Pather Panchali.

This Government of West Bengal's funded film later went on to win numerous national and international awards, which also included the 'Best Human Document award' at Cannes.


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