The two-day Indian comedy festival will be held in New Delhi from March 31 to April 1, 2012. The event will feature screening of classic comedy films, a standup comedy show and a play on Ghalib. The comic capers include yesteryear ribticklers such as "Janne bhi do yaaro," "Andaz Apana Apna" and "Tere Bin Laden."
The standup show is being hosted by Papa CJ and Sanjay Rajoura and the play on Ghalib by Pierrot's Troupe has been running to full houses for several years now. The play is about the Urdu poet Mirza Ghalib who is reborn and finds himself wonderstruck in modern day Delhi.
There will also be a competition on standup comedy as part of the festival. A competition for India's funniest videos has a Rs 1999 grand cash prize.
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