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Bangalore: Apple Co-founder Wozniak at YPO Event on Dec. 3

Steve Wozniak, who co-founded Apple with the late Steve Jobs in 1976, will reach Bangalore on Thursday, December 1 and stay in India's technology capital until December 4.

Wozniak is in India on the invitation of the Young Presidents' Organisation (YPO), a network of top executives from across the globe. He will be talking innovation and technology on Saturday morning, Dec. 3 to the hundreds of CEOs who are a part of YPO.

Wozniak is a tech wizard who created the Apple I and II computers with close friend Jobs. He is chief scientist at computer hardware and software systems company Fusion-io and has founded two companies 'Wheels of Zeus' and 'Acquicor Technology.' He is a philanthropist and known to be passionately interested in the cause of education.


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