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A Day of Osho Meditations in Delhi on Jan. 26

Report by Santanu Ganguly, New Delhi: Zorba the Buddha are offering a fourth workshop by Swami Shivam Satyam on Osho meditations. His earlier three workshops were a resounding success. Shivam's charm lies in his simplicity, innocence and energy, which keeps the atmosphere light and playful.

Osho’s meditations and processes will be used to release repressed emotions and bring silence, creativity and celebration. It would also have breathwork, hypnosis and dance.

This is good for people who have read Osho and want to experience his meditations, which were developed for modern humanity. It is also a good opportunity for people who are acquainted with Osho's work but want to touch their inner core with this feast of Meditations.


Jan. 26, 2013, 9:00 am till 6:00 pm.


Rs 2500 per person

Prior registration required.

9250361903, 9311902245

Zorba the Buddha, 7, Tropical Drive, Ghitorni Metro Station, New Delhi, Delhi 110030


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