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2nd BRICS Health Ministers’ Meet in Delhi From Jan. 10–11

EFT Bureau, New Delhi: The second BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Health Ministers’ Meet will begin with a two-day program in New Delhi on Jan. 10, 2013.

While the program of first day will be held at Dr. Ramalingaswamy Auditorium, AIIMS, New Delhi, the second day program will be at Banquet Hall, Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi.

The first day’s program will be participated by the Health Secretaries and Senior Advisors of BRICS countries. The second day’s program will be participated by the Health Ministers of BRICS countries.

It may be mentioned that the first BRICS Health Ministers’ Meeting was held at Beijing, China on 11th July, 2011 following a decision taken by Heads of BRICS countries in the Sanya Declaration of 14th April 2011.

2nd BRICS Health Ministers’ Meet in Delhi
2nd BRICS Health Ministers’ Meet in Delhi

The Beijing Declaration of the first BRICS Health Ministers’ Meeting emphasized the importance and the need of technology transfer as a means to empower developing countries; the importance role of generic medicines in the realization of the right to health; and to establish priorities in research and development as well as cooperation among BRICS countries including support to transfer of technologies and innovation in a sustainable way to foster cooperation among BRICS countries to make available and improve technology. It was also agreed at Beijing to establish at technical working group to discuss specific proposals.

In the Delhi Declaration issued during the 4th BRICS Heads of States Meeting, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, held at New Delhi on 29th March, 2012, it was urged that meetings of BRICS Health Ministers be held in an institutionalized manner so that the countries of BRICS could jointly address common goals such as promoting innovation and universal access to health technologies including medicines, especially in the context of increasing costs and the growing burden of both communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and to encourage flow of knowledge amongst research institutions through joint projects, workshops and exchange of visits, particularly by young scientists in areas relating to pharmaceuticals and health.

Thereafter, during the sidelines of World Health Assembly held at Geneva, Health Ministers of BRICS countries met on 22.5.2012 and discussed various issues. During the meeting it was decided that some thematic areas of work under BRICS Health Platform be identified for each country to be carried forward by the Technical Group. A joint communiqué was issued after the meeting.

In accordance with this mandate, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India is organizing the two-day 2nd BRICS Health Ministers’ Meet at New Delhi from Jan. 10.


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