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AAPI's Global Healthcare Summit in Kochi From Jan. 1–3

The Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), a powerful body with over 65,000 members, will organize a health summit in Kochi from Jan. 1–3, 2012.

Aimed at advancing the accessibility, affordability and the quality of world-class healthcare, the Jan 1-3 Indo-US Global Health Summit 2013 (GHS) will focus on prevention, diagnosis, treatment options and share ways to truly improve healthcare transcending global boundaries, the organization announced.

During the past four summits since the first Indo-US Healthcare Summit in 2006, AAPI has been instrumental in developing strategic alliances with various organizations.

The Summit, which is a public-private initiative between the Government of India and AAPI, is all about dedication and commitment of Indian-American physicians to improving healthcare in India, said Dr. Jayesh Shah, President-Elect of AAPI.

GHS 2013 will include a scientific program developed by leading experts covering high priority areas like cardiology, maternal and child health, diabetes, oncology, surgery, mental health, immunology and lung health, he said.

Featuring plenary sessions, interactive round-tables, clinical practice workshops, and meet-the-expert sessions, the first ever scientific poster session will facilitate dissemination and exchange of best practices.

More than 100 opinion leaders and expert speakers representing major centers of excellence, institutions and professional associations from across the globe will present cutting-edge scientific findings related to clinical practice.

For the first time, a CEO Forum representing CEOs from around the world and from hospitals, teaching institutions and major healthcare sectors, including pharmaceutical, medical devices and technology, will join together to explore potential opportunities for collaboration, Kumar said.

An added attraction to the participating physicians is that the program will enable them to obtain 14 hours of credit, has been accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.


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