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16mm Film Making Workshop in Pune From Sept. 22–23

Medias Conte presents a workshop in 16mm film making. Learn professional film making like the big boys/girls of the industry.

Medias Conte brings to you a unique and a first of its kind workshop on 16mm film making. By the end of this workshop the participants will be familiar with the important aspects of film making.

Participants will also write and direct their own short film on 16mm. Students shoot in groups of two. Each group will be provided 200 ft. of film (App. 6 minutes) for a 1 minute silent film. The film will be processed and a one light transfer to DVD of the raw footage provided.

The Workshop will cover the following topics:

1. Script basics
2. Types of shots and framing
3. Camera basics
4. 16mm film basics

Date & Time:

Sept. 22–23, 2012; 10.30 am–4 pm


Medias Conte, Pune





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