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NY Tompkins County: Safe Medication Disposal Day Today

Even with a return to more winter-like weather this week, it's spring cleaning time—and that means Safe Medication Disposal Day in Tompkins County will be held no matter what kind of weather we're getting on Saturday, April 28, 2012.

This collection event gives residents the chance to safely dispose of expired or no longer needed household medications. It is part of a nationwide collection effort, organized by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.

Volunteers will collect unwanted medications at three separate locations: the TCAT garage just off Route 13 on Willow Ave. in Ithaca; the Groton Police Department (108 Cortland Street); and the Slaterville Fire Station (2681 Slaterville Rd.). The process is very quick and easy, taking just a few minutes. The drop-off locations will accept all medications from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

“Getting unwanted medications out of the house reduces the chance of an accidental poisoning, and helps prevent the diversion of controlled substances for illegal use,” notes Ed Gottlieb, pretreatment coordinator at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility. “It also reduces the amount of medications that would otherwise contaminate our environment.”

The collection is free and open to the public; it will be supervised by local law enforcement. If possible, you should leave medications in their original containers, and use a marker to cross out your name and address.

Here's what you can bring to Disposal Day: Prescription drugs (controlled and non-controlled), over-the-counter medications, and pet medicines. Medications can come in any form: pills, powders, liquids, patches, inhalers, or capped Epipens.

Here's what won't be accepted: Mercury thermometers, mercurochrome, and other mercury products; also sharps (syringes, needles and diabetic lancets); medical waste; any other hazardous waste (items with blood or bodily fluid on them); and non-medicated products such as shampoo or sunscreen.

This is the fifth collection event in Tompkins County, with 834 pounds collected last October, and a total of just over 4,100 pounds, (over TWO TONS) of unwanted medicine in the past two years.

For more information, please call 211, or visit


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