The registration process begins in Chennai from March 14, 2012 and the tournament will continue till June. 64 teams each from Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, Lucknow, Ludhiana and New Delhi will be seen in action in a 20-minute knock-out event.
The top 32 from each city will compete in the respective city finales. A total of eight teams, including a winning team from each city and a wild card entry, will compete to emerge as 'Game Changers'. They will then get the opportunity to be coached by an international football star.
Homi Battiwalla of PepsiCo India said: "Pepsi T20 Football tournament takes forward the philosophy of 'Change the Game' by taking football outside the conventional domain and giving it a refreshing twist.
"It is a unique grassroots initiative mounted at a never before scale in India that aims to take the excitement around the sport to the next level.
"With the involvement of Indian cricketers, Bollywood and an international football star, the campaign promises to excite and engage not only the existing passionate football fans but the entire nation."
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