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Jennifer Lopez, Sharon Stone Arrive at Brazil Carnival

American actresses Jennifer Lopez and Sharon Stone arrived in Brazil as specially invited guests of the carnival celebrations in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, respectively.

Lopez, who is currently starring in a Brazilian beer commercial, arrived at midday on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2012 at Rio's international airport along with her boyfriend, dancer Casper Smart, with whom she later emerged on the balcony of their hotel to greet her fans.

Lopez will be present at the samba school parades in Rio, viewing the event from a guest box for the beer company for which she filmed the commercial that has been showing for the past several months on Brazilian television.

Meanwhile, actress Sharon Stone arrived on Saturday evening, Feb. 18 in Salvador, the capital of the northeastern state of Bahia, which - along with Rio - has one of the most heavily attended Carnival events in the country.

The actress later went to the viewing box to watch the parade of bands passing through the streets of Salvador day and night during the carnival festivities.


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