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Flamenco Festival Kicks off in London

The ninth edition of the annual Flamenco Festival Begins at Sadler's Wells Theatre in London, England on Feb. 7 and will run through Feb. 19, 2012. The festival showcases the world's finest flamenco dancers and musicians.

Flamenco Festival Schedule:

• Latin Grammy Award-winning flamenco guitarist Vicente Amigo, Feb. 7
• Gypsy flamenco dancer Manuela Carrasco, Feb. 8-9
• Versatile flamenco dancer Olga Pericet, Feb. 10
• A flamenco gala celebrating the life of Federico García Lorca, featuring three top flamenco dancers: Carmen Cortés, Rafaela Carrasco and Olga Pericet, Feb. 11–12
• Leading flamenco guitarist Gerardo Núñez with gypsy dancer Carmen Cortés, Feb. 13
• A folk-dance-drama production of Fuenteovejuna by Antonio Gades Company, Feb. 14–16
• Multimedia extravaganza Poet in New York by Rafael Amargo Company, Feb. 17–18
• Young, alternative flamenco group La Shica, Feb. 18
• Famous flamenco cantaor José Mercé, Feb. 19


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