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Bollywood Calls off Feb. 23 Strike

Bollywood has called off Feb. 23 strike after a meeting with Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee. The Indian film industry had planned to go on strike on Feb. 23 to protest against the imposition of a service tax on the film industry.

"This strike has been called off. We had a meeting with the finance minister and he has asked us to wait till the budget," producer Ratan Jain said.

"He understood our problem and then we decided not to go for strike till March 16 until the budget comes out. So, all the multiplexes and Bollywood will continue to move on without any strike on Feb 23," he added.

Film Producers' Guild vice president Mukesh Bhatt also said that after the positive meeting with the finance minister, they have decided to remain patient till the budget.


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