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Mexico Rolls Out Supercomputer

Mexican scientists inaugurated Latin America's No. 2 supercomputer by size and speed, with the ability to process 24.9 trillion operations per second.

The computer, along with others at two major Mexican universities, is part of the new high-performance network Lancad, said the Center for Research and Advanced Studies, or Cinvestav in a communique.

Cinvestav chief Rene Asomoza explained that the Lancad project will generate physical infrastructure that will improve Mexico's competitive position in the world.

Besides benefiting the academic sector, the computer also will benefit the government and businessmen, said Asomoza, who issued a call to take advantage of its enormous technological capabilities to develop high-impact social and economic projects.

The supercomputer, the largest in the region after a machine in Brazil, required an investment of some 18 million pesos ($1.3 million).


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