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Aqua Sail Beach Fiesta in Mumbai on Dec. 25

Aquasail has organized a Beach Fiesta on Dec. 25, 2011 from 9 pm onwards at Mandwa, Mumbai. Here you can sail some of the world’s best beach boats while enjoying the warm hospitality of Aquasail. Spend an entire day under the blue skies, sun, surf and the swaying coconut palms at the Aquasail Sailing Center in Mandwa.

Experience it all on board kayaks, beach dinghies, beach catamarans to windsurfers. Aquasail will take care of the entire transportation ensuring you enjoy your time at the Aquasail Sailing Center. The meals will also be on the house so that you can look forward to a hassle-free, fun, relaxed and memorable day.

Pick Up and Drop Point: Gateway of India, Colaba (Jetty no. 2), to the right of the Gateway of India, next to Swami Vivekanand Statue.


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