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International Festival Management Forum in Muscat From Feb. 20–22

The British Council and Bait Al Zubair Foundation will hold an international forum on festival management at Bait al Zubair Museum in Muscat, Oman from February 20–22, 2012.

The forum concludes a series of arts management workshops that began in November last. It will be facilitated by professionals from the UK including Mark Ball, director of London International Festival of Theatre and former director and founder of Fierce Festival Birmingham; Mark Prescott, director of Belfast Festival at Queens, Lewis Biggs, former director and founder of Liverpool Biennial; besides Nelson Fernandez, director of NFA International Arts and Culture.

The Omani delegation will have arts managers and leaders in the creative sectors, besides participants of the arts management workshops. There will also be participants from the GCC, Libya, Jordan, Palestinian territories and Syria.


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