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Manmohan to Inaugurate Delhi Sustainable Development Summit on Feb. 2

Climate experts, policy makers and a host of other dignitaries from more than 12 countries will assemble in New Delhi at a seminar on sustainable development that will be inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on February 2, 2012.

"Protecting the Global Commons: 20 years post Rio" is the theme of the three-day Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS), a flagship event of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).

Finnish President Tarja Halonen, President of Seychelles James Alix Michel, President of Kirbati Anote Tong, Nobel laureates Prof Paul J Crutzen and Dr Elinor Ostrom will attend the conference.

The 12th DSDS will also see the participation of host of other dignitaries comprising development practitioners, scientists, academics, corporate leaders and several ministers.


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